Don’t have insurance through an employer? Coverage might be cheaper than you think.
Recent legislation has made it more affordable than ever to get health insurance. Recent inflation has made it more expensive than ever to not have health insurance. Finding out your options takes less than 5 minutes. Tomorrow’s you will be glad you checked today.
Being uninsured is much more expense than North Carolinians realize.
The average cost of an overnight stay at the hospital without health insurance? $11,000. The average cost of a pregnancy without coverage? $13,000. Depending on what plan you choose, these figures could be a few hundred dollars instead of something that forces you to consider bankruptcy. Hope is not a strategy.
By exploring the health insurance options that you have, you are protecting your financial future. The peace of mind of knowing you are covered if you get sick is a huge weight off your shoulders.
Do the plans have good coverage?
This depends on the plan that you choose. The plans are broken up into metallic tiers with Bronze often being fully subsidized and free but with lesser coverage and the Gold offering more comprehensive coverage but at a higher monthly cost. Especially if you don’t have any insurance now, it’s worth seeing how big of a subsidy you qualify for. Even if you checked the Marketplace a few years ago and plans were too expensive to consider, you just might be surprised at how much cheaper they have gotten.
All plans our agency quotes cover preventive care and pre-existing conditions.
How can I see my options?
You can Quote Yourself in less than 3 minutes. If you have any questions, feel free to check out our knowledge center that features helpful articles on all the things you need to know to get a quote, choose the right plan and maximize your savings after enrollment.
If you want help expert guidance, check out our article on the Flatlands Jessup difference to see how we can help make quoting, enrollment and policy management a breeze. Feel free to reach out directly as well. Our award-winning team is ready to help you!
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Amy Burris – New Bern, NC
Grace Arnold – Washington, NC
Kristy Harrell – Kinston, NC
Joseph Hughes – Greenville, NC
Scott Loftis – Morehead City, NC
Sidney Marslender – Washington, NC
Stedman Stewart – New Bern, NC
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